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Berlin-based translator with forthcoming books by Katarina Frostenson, Monika Fagerholm, Birgitta Trotzig, Johannes Anyuru
Currently based in Berlin, I translate poetry, literary prose and philosophy from primarily Swedish and German, but also Norwegian, Danish and Faroese.
I grew up on a farm in rural Minnesota, before studying Swedish, Scandinavian studies, Germanic philology and linguistics at the University of Minnesota. From there, I attended the University of Washington where I wrote my MA thesis on the poetry of Katarina Frostenson. I am currently a Ph.D. candidate in Modern Languages & Literatures at the Johns Hopkins University.
I have taught Swedish at university and community levels, have attended and presented at workshops and conferences in Sweden and the US, and have participated in the Swedish translation workshop Översättargruvan. I was a 2022 Emerging Translator fellow with the American Literary Translators Association (ALTA), mentored by fellow SELTA member Kira Josefsson.
My work has been supported by numerous governmental, university and other institutional grants.
Education: Ph.D., Modern Languages & Literatures, Johns Hopkins University, 2020-ongoing. M.A., Scandinavian Languages & Literature, University of Washington-Seattle, 2020. B.A., German, Scandinavian & Dutch (Scandinavian track), University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 2017.
(image credit: https://imagebank.sweden.se/)