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Fiction, Non-Fiction, Theatre, Screen/Subtitling, US English
Award-winning translator from Swedish and other languages.
Former U.S. diplomat Michael Meigs was awarded the American Scandinavian Foundation's annual Translation Prize in 2011 for Lars Gustafsson's The Dean and the American Translators Association's 2020 Galantière Award for Spanish author Dolores Redondo's All This I Will Give to You. He translates from Swedish, German, French, and Spanish.
Excerpts of 50-100 pages for marketing by Storytellers (Bonnier’s), Partners in Stories (Jonas Axelsson/Foundation Natur Och Kultur), and other agents for authors, including Häkan Nesser, Nils Håkanson, and Thomas Engström
Screenplays: KRIG (2016) and MONSTRIA (2018) for Copenhagen-Bombay Sweden, Stockholm
Seared by Sandra Gustafsson, Hoi Verlag, Helsingborg, 2015, 300 p.
Seven Days Left to Live, a Report on Crime and the Death Penalty, Carina Bergfeldt, book-length account of series in Aftonbladet, for the author
The Elixir of Immortality by Gabi Gleichmann, Other Press, New York, 728 p., October, 2013
The Dean by Lars Gustafsson, 3000-word extract published in Scandinavian Review, spring, 2012
The Dean by Lars Gustafsson, 154 p., 2010, awarded the 2011 American-Scandinavian Foundation Translation Prize
Publishes theatre reviews at CTXLiveTheatre.com; resident in Austin, Texas.