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Children's, Fiction, Non-Fiction, Theatre, US English
PEN/Heim winning translator, writer, and editor with a special interest in stories and perspectives outside the mainstream. Based in New York City.
I am a literary translator, writer, and editor working between Swedish and English. I have a particular interest in work that lifts perspectives not always heard in mainstream discourse, though I delight in translating a wide range of voices, from Johannes Anyuru to Fausta Marianovic to Håkan Nesser. In 2017, I received a PEN/Heim Translation Fund Grant for my work on Pooneh Rohi’s Araben (The Arab).
I am the editor of Fia Backström’s translation of Åke Hodell’s The Marathon Poet (Ugly Duckling Presse) and serve on the editorial board of Glänta, a Swedish journal of literature and politics. Between 2016-2021, I was Assistant Translations Editor for Anomaly.
My translation clients include publishers, agencies, and film production companies, as well as individual authors and writers seeking editing and textual consultation.
Born in Stockholm, I’ve lived in Helsinki, Paris, and Montréal. New York City has been my home for the past decade.
[The cover photo is a detail of a painting by Karin Broos.]